Red Shoes by Kristine Fielding Fruit Leather Suit by Jim Richards Birth of a Daughter by Angela Colvin The Man who Murdered Himself by Nancy Owens
Wrestling Esau by Jonathon Penny Dear Oscar, There Are No Free Helicopter Rides by Ohio Faulkner East of the River Birds by Patrick Madden Soupe de Poisson by Eric Freeze Pro Libertate by Kent Wallace
Free Casket Day by Jennie R. Leishman The Sacrament at Ninety-Seven by Jim Richards Birthday Package by Eric Freeze Jelly Jars by Melody McGrath Aria by Lisa A. Neilsen In This Yard by Shannon Castleton Unexpected to a Seven-Year-Old by Bryce E Knudsen Rebirth by Melody McGrath
A Farmer at Confession by Jim Richards My Father, Keeping the Backyard by Shannon Castleton Pica by Krista Halverson Oil by Melody McGrath The Tomb Guard, Arlington Cemetery by Kevin Klein
Alyssa Dick