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By Isabella Zentner

FROM: Arin Z <>
TO: Prof Carla (music) <>
BCC: n/a
DATE: 10 JUN 2020, 11:08AM
SUBJECT: Make-Up Assignment


Would it be possible for me to turn in my missed assignment tomorrow? I know you told me I don’t need it, a 98% can stand the blow of a one-off mistake, but I don’t like seeing those zeroes staring me in the face. This week, I slacked off. I’m sorry. I don’t have much of an excuse. If I can turn in my late assignment, please let me know so I can submit it online.



FROM: Arin Z <>
TO: Prof Carla (music) <>
BCC: n/a
DATE: 10 JUN 2020, 12:15PM
SUBJECT: Make-Up Assignment


Thank you for your prompt response, and for saying it’s not like me to miss an assignment. I try hard to do well in school. My sister says it’s one of my hobbies.

You asked if there’s anything wrong? Honestly . . . There’s been a mini-tragedy, of sorts. My mom’s favorite—well, all of our favorite—hen, Ralph, was eaten last night because my sister forgot to go lock up the coop to protect against the bears and the opossums and the foxes, and Ralph was the smallest (I guess it didn’t help that she was also the fiercest). After my mom found the feathers, I spent my morning looking on Craigslist for a specific, odd little breed of chicken that no one’s really heard of. A Ralph-replacement, as a surprise for Mom.

Thanks for listening,


FROM: Arin Z <>
TO: Prof Carla (music) <>
BCC: n/a
DATE: 10 JUN 2020, 3:50PM
SUBJECT: Make-Up Assignment


Why was Ralph so important? I’m not sure, but beyond her crankiness and fluffiness, I think it has something to do with the news, the news and the quarantine and the way Mom’s jeans don’t fit right anymore and the way we, us, the whole world all seem like bears and opossums and foxes, all snapping at each other’s throats. Everything is on a knife’s edge with caustic come-backs slicking up the sides.

In any case, the bird was a bright spot. If you have any friends who are into breeding weird little chickens, or if you have a friend of a friend who does, I’ve included my flyer below. You can find them posted up and down the mountain. You can also find me on Craigslist.

Thanks again for accepting my late work. It won’t happen again.

See you Monday.


Attachment: chickennotice.docx

chicken notice

FROM: Arin Z <>
TO: Prof Carla (music) <>
BCC: n/a
DATE: 13 JUNE 2020, 2:00PM
SUBJECT: Make-Up Assignment


I thought you’d like to know that this morning, my brother and father and I brought home five little gray and white and black frizzle bantam chicks all nestled together in a cardboard box, and our mom cried. Twice. It was a pretty great moment.

Have a good weekend.

