Inscape Journal is published online twice a year as a cooperative effort of the Brigham Young University (BYU) College of Humanities and the Department of English. First published in 1982 as an undergraduate journal—written, edited, and designed by a tiny staff of undergraduate English majors—Inscape Journal is now managed and edited by BYU MFA students in poetry, creative nonfiction, and fiction, and undergraduate students in visual arts. The journal has a staff of over fifty undergraduate and graduate students and accepts submissions from writers and visual artists across the globe.

Our Mission
Since 1982, Inscape Journal has curated pieces that are both peculiar and gorgeous without compromising craftsmanship and excellence. Averse to gratuitous violence, language, and sex, we look for smart pieces that treat sensitive subjects with maturity and respect. Our favorite submissions explore refreshing takes on both the fantastic and the everyday. As a staff firmly rooted in following Jesus Christ and His teachings, we publish and celebrate works from people of all religious perspectives, countries, cultures, ethnicities, sexual orientations, genders, backgrounds, and experiences. Inscape Journal is the home of the bizarre, believing, and beautiful.
For more information, or to answer any questions, email