Blood Chapel by James Reade Venable
Buck Fever by William Musgrove
Bone Magic by Ilse Eskelsen
Confessional Door by Tighe Flatley
A Bleeding Body by Natalie Serber
Teeny Tiny by Jessica Mohsen-Crellin
To the Shopkeeper on the Corner of East Jerusalem by Siri Quintili
Even Jesus Asked Where God Was by Renee Emerson
Trestles by Jared Swensen
Poem for My Wife, Christiana, on Our 8th Wedding Anniversary by Dante Di Stefano
Connoisseur of Hearts by Hollie Dugas
La Crucifixión, by Anotoni Clave by Patrick Pfister
Joani Elliot
Rob Carney
Desirae Matherly
Michael Lavers
Alyson Hagy
Ross Gay
Agata Szczeszak-Brewer
Darlene Young
Blood Chapel by James Reade Venable (Front Cover)
Singing Together in the Garden by Jim Ross
The Basin by Paul Larsen
Kinesthetic by Michael Moreth
Breathe by Jenedy Paige
The Girl Who Couldn’t Cook by Samantha Snyder
Forrest by Robert Palmer
Lenticular #8: The Memory of Rains, Lenticular #30: From the Uncreated, Lenticular #25: In the Silence by Emily Bell
The Wave by Robert Palmer
Beyond the Box by Jenedy Paige
Gutter Crow by Philip Dunn
A Plague of Small Doubts by Edward Supranowicz
In My Place by Samanatha Snyder
Dreaming of Endless Summer by Jim Ross
Affiliation by Shane Allison
I’m Going to Disneyland by Shane Allison
She Believed by Jenedy Paige
Mountain Shelf by Paul Larsen
Snap by Gabriella Warnick
Joy of a Different Kind by Edward Lee