An American in Starbucks by Erin Barker
The Art of Living by D.C. Nelson
Duck by A.E. Marlowe
Running by Piper Rae Armstrong
Two Glass Pitchers by Holly Rose Hansen
Satan’s Literature by Christopher Sorensen
Abandoned by Emily McArthur
Posturing by Ryan McIlvain
Polaroid Transfer by Chantelle Daines
Prayer Cap by Jon Ogden
Then I Became Eve by Emily Stanfill
Prodigal by Aaron Robert Allen
When I Went to Auschwitz I Was Sitting by Jon Ogden
True Love by Joe Plicka
Late Blooms I by D.C. Nelson
September by Linda Paulsen
Autumn Sextilla by Ammon Barker
Stonegate Suburb, 1989-90 by Joe Plicka
Planting Tulips by Linda Paulsen
Brain Damage Whispered Allegro by Jon Ogden
Lindsay by Steven James
Isidore by David Habben II
Sing by David Habben II
Italian Windows by Aida Warren
New York Fire Escape by Lesley Colvin
Sunburst by Aida Warren
Asphyxiation by David Habben II
Mountain Ranch Barn by Steven James
Lifeless Tree by Rachel Meibos
Once… by David Habben II
Pie Variety by Aida Warren
Rotunda by Lesley Colvin
Ellis Island, New York by Steven James
Springtime Blossoms by Aida Warren
Orsay Clock by Becky Morris