by Jonathon Egan

Jonathon Todd Egan, DC, PhD, (BS – BYU ’98), is currently Dean of a chiropractic college in California. He is married to his wife, Heidi, for 22 years – and this poem (‘Gamos’) was written in honor of that anniversary: as both Jonathon and Heidi are 44 years old, the 22nd anniversary represented being married for their “half life” for both of them. Jonathon and Heidi have 5 children, the oldest of which just finished serving an LDS mission, and the next oldest of which is in process of submitting mission papers. Creatively, Jonathon has also released an album of faith and family centered alternative and progressive rock (called “Godspeed”) in 2016 with the band Bravery Test, available on streaming services and everywhere digital music is typically available. Jonathon served an LDS mission in Sweden, and has also served as Bishop and as counselor in Bishoprics, counselor in a Mission Presidency, Ward Mission Leader, Nursery Leader, and (most delightful of all) Primary Pianist.