Up by Emily Murry

Editor’s Note and Acknowledgements
Sonata in Three Movements by Jeanine Eyre Bee
The Hankering by Kiri Case
Hell is a Road by Kath Richards
At Final Glance by Chanel Earl
Stroganoff by Ann Dee Ellis
Broken Dishes by Jessica Mohsen-Crellin
Creative Nonfiction
Collagen by Erika Price
The Art of Chewing Ice by Lisa Pettit
The Ache That Blankets the World by Kristen Hogan
Song of a Starving Mother by Shayla Frandsen
Sharq Driving School for Women by Wendy Weitzel
Upon Seeing a Student Carry Two Swords Across the Campus Courtyard by Isaac Richards
Unpunctuated Love by Jamie Holt
A Backpack in the River by Shamae Budd
Creeping Things by Shamae Budd
Imperfect Instruments by E.B. Wheeler
Humanities Girl by Cristie Charles
God is a Poet by Matthew Wickman
The Covenant Path by James Goldberg
My Mother’s Scars by Alexandra Malouf
Count Me In by Darlene Young
Essay Questions by Trenton Hickman
Meltdown by Jared Pearce
Eve at 87 by Elizabeth Garcia
’72 Datsun by Elizabeth Garcia
Quail Egg by Lance Larsen
And Also I Ran by Lance Larsen
Wrinkled Tablecloths by Cheryl Seely Savage
The God of Whimsy by Sharlee Mullins Glenn
To the men who tailor their trousers, but especially to the ones who don’t by Emily Murry
The Art of Marriage by Meg McManama
Eve: A Self-Portrait by Meg McManama
On Confirming My Daughter by Christopher Bissett
My Name Is Quran by Lorelei Kay
The Widow Interim by Kath Richards
Our Mother in the Movies by Carol Lynn Pearson
Winter Beech by Dalene Rowley
Portrait of a Lady without Hands: A Postmortem by Scott Hales
Fallow by Rachel Hunt
Newly Buried Grandmother Prepares to Enter the Spirit World by JS Absher
What Hoping for a Sign Might Feel Like by Isaac Richards
Arrival by Joani Elliott
Cancer Questions for My Father by Jennifer Halversen
How to Keep House by Kate Davis
Menu by Jim Richards
An Eclipse in Eden by Kassandra Schreiber
Visual Art
These Were My Glasses by Curtis Bay
This was my wife by Curtis Bay
Nurtured by Rebecca Klundt
Sketchbook Sesh by Curtis Bay
Gratitude for Goats by Sage Gallagher
Jazz Piano by Curtis Bay
Divine Presences by Gary Hall
Angel of the East by Gary Hall
Mystic Guide by Gary Hall
Striding Warrior by Gary Hall
Inscapehead Revisited by Emily Murry